Planting trees may be more sexy, but aftercare is critical to making sure saplings grow into forests. “There are so many trees coming down now it’s really concerning,” says Nancy Southern as she lugs a bucket of mulch at a volunteer day sponsored by her company, Intact Insurance. “I think it’s really important that we keep planting as many as we can.”

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Just as there are things you recycle, there are things you donate. Join the “Donate Movement.” Your donation of used goods can make a difference for people in your community, and help make a healthier planet as well. The Donate Movement, powered by Goodwill®, challenges all of us to donate conscientiously and responsibly.

Visit for more info!

Want to learn how to have the water in your home heated through solar power? PostCarbon London will be hosting education sessions open to the public
Want to see an existing solar hot water system in place? ReForest London welcomes you to their office to view their recently installed system.
London Community Foundation is proud to have funded the Solar Thermal Education Program, created by PostCarbon London, one of the successful winners of the 2010 Clean Air Challenge!

We constantly hear of obesity and consequential health risks and costs. We should pressure gov't to control and limit the amounts of sugar and salt in processed and fast foods. Other countries uses spices to flavour food. What about all the vending machines in arenas selling chips and chocolate bars. Where is the political will to improve the choices offered to our children? This is not rocket science and the world is so full of alternative food choices.

Junior Atreevers is a Junior Achievement company that strategically looks at planting memories while helping the community by reducing our ecological footprint. Our company sells top quality saplings that will be planted on Earth Day (April 17) where we will be participating in London's largest Earth Day event at Watson Street Park.

For more information, contact

Recycling is not an excuse for buying disposable plastic. With everything we buy we need to consider what happens to the packaging, and what the effect will be on our environment.

Little actions add up: Didn’t finish that glass of drinking water? Use it on your plants rather than dumping it down the drain. Turn the tap off while brushing your teeth. Only boil enough water for the size of your teacup. Or better still, make a whole pot of tea and transfer it to an insulated carafe and enjoy it all day. Turn off lights when you leave a room. Make a permanent home for one of those thin, strong but small reusable bags in your purse or knapsack. Re-use that nice mustard jar for your next batch of salad dressing. Live consciously, live lightly.

Eliminate the use of phosphates in the detergents you use!

Turn it down a degree every two weeks!! As we go into the winter, I turn down the house temperature by 1 degree every two weeks. One doesn't notice the difference if you do it gradually. Or if you are able, turn it down by half a degree every week. I now find it quite comfortable at 14 degrees!! And sleeping is so much better in a cool room. And when we approach the summer - turn it up a degree every two weeks. The savings are great for both your ecological footprint but also your bank balance!

I wish we would spend more of our community time and energy restricting the use of resources by industry and business. We always talk about individual action, yet way more energy is being used (and wasted) by larger organizations.

As well, 3 of the 4 suggestions below can be taken care of through new laws -- require cars to be more efficient, restrict importation of foods travelling across the world, don't allow plastic, single use bottles. We can change these things. Why do we always rely on individual action (and the market), rather than using our democratically elected government to help make the changes we desire?

Get out of your car -- Cars are the largest source of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants. Each day, Canada's 14 million cars lead to greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change. Take public transit, carpool, ride a bike, or walk to your destination to help reduce local air pollution.

Be the root -- Pull together a volunteer committee and kick-start a greening project at your school. Twenty-five per cent of the school day is spent outside; planting trees can help protect children from harmful exposure to the sun and teach kids about ecological literacy.

Eat for a healthy planet -- Imported food travels more than 5,000 kilometres from the farm to our plate. Buying local eliminates some of the transport required to get food to your table. Read labels and talk to the produce manager when you shop. Or, grow your own produce like herbs, potatoes, carrots and other veggies at home. Even small spaces such as a balcony or patio can work.

Rethink what you drink -- Take your own water with you in a reusable, refillable container. Buying bottled water is expensive: bottled water costs $1.00 per litre vs. less than 1 cent per gallon for tap water. Plus, a bottle that takes just three minutes to drink can take up to a thousand years to biodegrade.

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