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The Census gathers information on the population, both individuals and businesses, through Statistics Canada in five-year intervals.

Census Metropolitan Area (CMA)
A CMA is formed by one or more adjacent municipalities centred on a large urban area (known as the urban core). The census population count of the urban core must be at least 100,000 to form a census metropolitan area.

The Median represents the middle point of a data listing where one-half the data falls above and the other half falls below the median estimate.

Used within census data and refers to a person of aboriginal ancestry or who identifies as aboriginal, mixed aboriginal or aboriginal and non-aboriginal ancestry.

Low Income Cut-offs (LICO’s)
Low income cut-offs (LICO's) are income thresholds, determined by analyzing family expenditure data, below which families will devote a larger share of income to the necessities of food, shelter and clothing than the average family would.

Refers to people who are, or have been, landed immigrants in Canada.

London Community Foundation || 130 King Street, London, Ontario || 519 667-1600